Clay Pigeon Shooting Simulator Games

Trap Shoot is more than one of our free online clay pigeon shooting games, you get the chance to go shooting either clay pigeons, cans or chickens! You only get six bullets per go so don't waste them and at the beginning of each round of these clay pigeon shooting games, you get told how many targets you have to hit. The earlier you hit the targets the more points you get, so try and shoot as quick as you can at the clay pigeons, chickens and cans! You also get to choose the character you wish to play in this game, so all in all, its one of the better free clay pigeon shooting games online. After you play Trap Shoot, why not try out and play our other gun shooting games or other pigeon shooting games, some are fun like this one, others are more realistic and much harder to score points with.

Clay Pigeon Shooting

A fast moving clay pigeon shooting game, quite tricky this one, ideal for your professional marksman!
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Butle Pigeon

Kill all the pigeons before they reach the top, try not to hit the cats unless, like us, you're not a cat lover!
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Clay Pigeon Shooting

A classic version of clay pigeon shooting. Hit your space bar to release the clay pigeons and shoot.
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Free Shooting Pigeon Games


Version 5 is the latest release of DryFire software and is supplied with all new systems. Customers with Version 4 black dual head simulators may upgrade to version 5 via the store. The photo below shows how to identify a Version 4 system by the '4' moulded into the camera head.

Clay Pigeon Shooting Simulator Games Pc

  1. Report Generator - to provide a detailed analysis of your DryFire shooting history. Game - to add additional game-related simulations to DryFire. These optional software add-ons will be available early in 2020: Competition - a replacement for the previous Squadding option. Rifle & Pistol - practise against static and moving targets.
  2. Laser Sport Simulated Clay Pigeon Shooting Systems 'Laser Skeet' is one of our most popular services. The primary target group is preteen through adult, satisfying your need to provide entertainment for this often overlooked group.