Game Pigeon For Computer

New Pigeon RB350-CM3 will be available soon October 25, 2018 / 0 Comments. New Raspbian images are released for Pigeon computers April 17, 2018 / 0 Comments. Pigeon Pop isn’t just an app where you move your bird’s head like crazy; it’s a game filled with challenges, wacky visuals, and funky soundtracks! Pop through hundreds of levels, each with its own twists and obstacles that you must endure. Now you can play this crazy bird simulator puzzle game on the PC for free!

A downloadable game

Don't you just love pigeons? They're round, fluffy, and goofy. Don't you just want to touch their round fluffy bodies? Feel them squish into your hands?

Well, now you can! In Pigeon Game, you can watch, feed, chase, pet, befriend, and hold pigeons! There's different pigeons in the game to meet and get to know - try see if you can hold them all.

Download to have a play with some round pals.

This is the finished computer version of Pigeon Game! I'm hoping to bring Pigeon Game to mobile sometime soon (hopefully), so stay tuned to my twitter (@smitleu) for updates.

Game pigeon for computer online

Pigeon game was made in part with my good friend Zach (he did a bunch of the early code for the game). You can find all of Zach's games on his itch page 'Zachariah Chandler'! OR, follow his twitter, @dogs_r_cool.

'just puff the puph birds.' - (via google translate)

'stroke its puffy bod' - Alice O'Connor, RockPaperShotgun

TagsAnimals, bird, Cute, Dreams, Fantasy, Flappy Bird, jiggle, mythology, pigeon, Virtual Pet


Click download now to get access to the following files:

Development log

  • week 6 - new bird, new UI, and an exhibition!
    Oct 02, 2018
  • week 4 - making a game my mum can play
    Sep 12, 2018
  • week 2 - bird book!
    Aug 08, 2018
  • Pigeon Game devlog !!!!!!
    Jul 29, 2018

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Won't download because it doesn't say it comes with the game.

;) I love this! (but you already know from the forums) Great Game!

Great graphics, cool sticker, very immersive. Good Pigeon game ~

this was very cute! i like the drawn hearts. gameplay made me smile! thank you very much!


It was my childhood dream to catch and pet a pigeon and you made my dream come true. Thank you!

This game is so simple, yet so much fun!
I made a little video about it too, feel free to have a look! :D

More birds and more map, I want to see a lot in this game! Thank you for this delightful experience!

I want to do this in real life... But sadly I am never able to get the time to bond and feed pigeons

I love adorable games like this. There's no challenge, no spooks. just pure enjoyment. Great work :D

I really love this game, they're so jiggly!!! The pigeons and this game make me very happy! <3

Adorable little game! I loved feeding and petting the pigeons, but the best part was the jiggling!

ahhh this is so wholesome, thanks for sharing with me!

A nice lil simple game that puts a smile on your face! 10/10 good pidge

This game is absolutely amazing, and is a great use of jiggle. 11/10 would pick up more birds.

this comment made a pigeon somewhere in the world do a smile, thankyou!!!!! : -)

This game is absolutely amazing, and is a great use of jiggle. 11/10 would pick up more birds.

hello ! thanks for playing haha, it was nice to meet you !!!

I played your game and made a short video of my gameplay! The birds' designs are very cute and compeling and I love the animations for them as well! Keep up the great work!

Game Pigeon For Computer Free

this was so cute! thank you for allowing me to finally achieve my one true dream.

Game Pigeon For Computer Online

Pigeons Manager » Welcome!

The Pigeons Manager is an online game where you can sell/buy pigeons, manage your own loft during the breeding season and you can also compete online with opponents of all over the world.
How it works
Pigeons Manager is free. You can manage your own loft through and with your internet browser. There are weekly races and you can manage and check your status whenever you want to. You can follow your birds, train them, sell/buy or only chat and exchange some ideas with other pigeon fanciers.
Pigeons Manager never comes to an end. If you win your league you will be promoted to an upper league. Are you ready for being famous on a national and an international level?
Read Rules

Week: 12
Last race: 14328 pigeons
Forum posts last week: 4


Loft Value
As a result of the poll and after a long study, at 23h30m today (19/02/2015), the loft value will be calculated based on the total sum of the pigeons value.
Due to recent events we ask all users to change their passwords urgently.
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