Pigeon Breeding Genetic Game

The Six Genetic “Secrets” of Breeding Racing Pigeons Dave Shewmaker P.O. Box 460 Elk Grove, CA. Secret 3 - Test the pigeons fairly! The best testing. A tippler is a breed of pigeon to participate in endurance flying competition.Flying results of up to 22 hours non stop have been reported. The fanciers of Tipplers can compete against others anywhere in the world without leaving the confines of their own home. This game, with 26 pigeon-breeding puzzles of increasing complexity, helps students learn about mechanisms of inheritance, and it brings together often disconnected concepts from Mendelian inheritance and molecular genetics. Our gene pool is the genetic material possessed by our one sport. Every time he is mated 50% of this genetic material is passed own to his offspring (1 st generation). If his off spring is mated to. I have been breeding Koi, game fowls and canine but I consider my breeding program in racing pigeon as more advanced than my other “breeding” hobbies as I have fully developed my own strain through selective line and inbreeding. I started line breeding my Crack 52 line way back in 1983 and my “Flying Machine” line in 1985.

This guide will help teachers lead their students through Pigeonetics. This game, with 26 pigeon-breeding puzzles of increasing complexity, helps students learn about mechanisms of inheritance, and it brings together often disconnected concepts from Mendelian inheritance and molecular genetics.

The guide includes

GENETIC SCIENCE LEARNING CENTER Breed pigeons for desired traits while learning the basic laws of inheritance. Choose pigeons with the right genotype, and breed them to yield offspring with a specified phenotype in 26 puzzles of increasing complexity. (Note: Hitting the back arrow in the browser will navigate you out of the game.

  • Explanations of game features
  • Key information needed to solve each puzzle
  • A List of concepts and inheritance patterns introduced in each puzzle
  • Locations for additional information about inheritance patterns and other concepts featured in the puzzles

Pigeon Genetics Answers

Keeping an animal tribe from extinction is a tough task! While wandering trough all kinds of different environments like snowy mountains, hot savannas and grassy hills, you constantly need to adapt your animals to their surroundings. Find different strategies of survival and breed your animals smartly, all based on real genetics. Keep your eyes wide open and you will learn a lot about Biology while playing this game.


Pigeon Genetics Books


  • Innovative breeding system, based on real genetics
  • A unique mix between Simulation, Strategy and Puzzle

Pigeon Genetics Game


Breeding Games Genetics

Game Play Video: