Game Pigeon Darts Tips

A lot of dart boards come with a set or two of darts, but these are generally pretty cheap, plastic ones. Many of them will break the first time you use them or come cracked in the box. This gives the impression that darts is a cheap, throwaway game, and not worth their time. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. How to Win Darts – Top 10 Tips From Professionals #01: Use a smart Dart: It is important to mention that there is no such thing known as smart darts but what we mean is that individuals should use something that can help them to generate the right results. Darts come in different shapes, and one of the popular ones is the dart tips that are.


This as an article on more advanced dart training tips, I wrote a previous article “Dart Tips for beginners” for absolute beginners to the game of darts.

It’s something of a darts tutorial, it pretty much walks you through the steps of getting set up if you’re just starting out playing darts; how to set up your board, how to set up yourself, stance, holding your dart, and all that.

If you are an absolute beginner that may be a good place to start. This article “Dart training tips” will be a step up from that.

During my darts training I felt like learning the things I’mabout to share here really elevated my game. I believe this is what separatesthe amateurs from the pros.

You start out absolutely ignorant about darts, then you learn how to stand and how to grip, and throw your dart. ?You elevate your level, once you learn those things you become an amateur.

You may not know how to hit your target consistently but atleast you know how to throw a dart at the dartboard.


The next step is to increase your consistency. Which is themain thing that separates amateurs for the pros, being able to hit the targetyou want whenever you want.

First thing, practice is key

Number one on the list of dart training tips is practice. It goes without saying that you will need decent darts which you can get here Best Steel tip Darts or here Best Tungsten Darts.

Darts require constant practice, you have to keep practicing to retain what you’ve learned. A lot of dart players will tell you that their game got worse when they took some time off.

You also have to practice to get better. The process of gettinggood at darts is all about paying attention to your body while you train andbeing able to mimic your successes.

Research have shown that the key components that mostinfluences a players throw is your timing of release and position of your handat time of release.

During practice you want to be aware of when you reach yourpeak time of release and recreate it over and over. This is what separates thepros from the amateurs.

How to practice

So now you understand the importance of practice, also to benoted is that practice is better spaced out over a period of time as oppose toall at once.

For example it’s better to practice every day of the week for30 minutes as oppose to on the weekends for 3 hours. You’ll retain more withthe daily practice.

This article is meant for players who want to entertournaments and advance to the highest level. As such I will be training you onhow to get good at the dart games that are played at tournaments, like cricketand x01 games.

You will notice when you watch the pros play 501 for example,they start of by hitting as high a number as possible, they aim for the ton180, they try to lower their score as quickly as possible so they can set up aneasy out.

Everything these guys do is planned out, and I’m going toshow you how to do it all right here.

Some practice games

I’ll assume you read my first article on how to hold a dartand position yourself at the oche and how to shoot, now I’m going to talk abouthow to improve your aim.

You’re be preparing for tournament play as such two essentialskills to learn will be hitting high numbers consistently and being able to geta double out.

For the first part hitting high numbers consistently,specifically the treble 20 you could simply practice by throwing darts at itover and over and that would be fine, but there are better ways to go about it,dart games.

Darts is unique in that there are many ways to play a game ofdarts, you can use that to make your practice easier and more fun.

One darts game I recommend for hitting high numbers is “HighScore”, the objective of the game is very simple, reach as high a score asagreed upon by the competing players, this is usually 1000.

This will incentivize your practice and push you harder to improve.Playing with others will also make it more fun and less like practice.

The second part, being able to get a double out is a lotharder to master. With hitting high scores you only have to focus on a few highnumbers, like 20, 19s, 18s, 17s, 16s, 15s.

When trying to get an out you have to be able to hit anywhereon the board, nonetheless there are tons of dart games that make this very easyto do.

One popular game of darts that incorporate the whole board is“Around the clock”. In around the clock the objective of the game is to hitevery number on the board in a clockwise fashion.

Shanghai is another darts game that incorporates the wholeboard but it’s even better because it motivates you to hit treble and doubles.This is great for practice and playing with others will only push you harderbecause you want to win.

It is also recommended that you practice by yourself. Dartsis both an inner and outer experience, as stated earlier you need to be able tofocus on your body as you play so you know what works for you and what doesn’t.

It’s also important to practice playing with others becausedarts is a very social game, often played in very noisy environments like bars,you need to be able to practice focusing in those types of situations.

What separates the amateurs from the pros

Up to this point I have given you pointers and tips on how to shoot better, and game recommendations to improve your accuracy but more than dart training tips there are essential dart technical skills you can learn that will take your darts game to the next level.

One of those skills is “counting and finishing”, this issimply knowing how to “finish” a game at certain scores.

You may or may not be familiar but in darts there are thesethings called “out charts” and they basically tell you which numbers you needto hit in order to win an x01 game starting at the number 170 down to 2.

This is very vital information, as an amateur you would haveno idea that something like this even exists, while a more advanced player isalready calculating his out from a score of 230.

This is the recommended number for you to start thinkingabout an out from.

Counting and finishing is a very essential skill for anyprofessional darts player, I even see it as the skill that separates theamateurs from the pros.

X01 games are one of the most popular games at tournaments,knowing how to finish an x01 game as early as possible is an essential skill, ifyou don’t know this you will be at a disadvantage.

Luckily for you the whole game of darts have been broken downto a science, out charts tell you exactly what you need to know, out chartstell you the numbers you need to hit in order to get an out in one turn, withthree or less darts.

As a beginner you can start practicing your out from 40 downto 2, known as “madhouse to tops”, once you get good at this you move on tophase 2 which is known as “sweet 16”, coming down from 60 to 41, then phase 3,“triple quick finishes”, 110 down to 61, and finally you can move on to phase4, “show outs”, coming down from 170 to 111.

The first step is learning how to “count” you have tomemorize the values of all the trebles and doubles on the board, to make that easierI included an image below with all the calculated values on the dartboard.

Counting is also helpful for cricket, you’ll be able to calculate the values ofyour doubles and trebles there quicker.

The point of learning counting is to make your finishing easier. Once you are able to count, coupled with out-charts, you will be able to figure out which numbers you need to hit at every score starting from 170.

Inner game is essential

One of the key dart training tips is working on your inner game. All of these things, learning correct posture, proper aiming, and counting will all be useless to you if you don’t have your inner game down.

Learning these skills will even help with your inner game,which is just your mindset.

Learning proper aim and posture, and counting all help withyour confidence, those things make you feel surer of yourself, that you’ll beable to hit your mark, which is a good attitude to have when playing darts.

Experts advise that you have a “positive mental attitude”when playing darts. You want to motivate yourself, they recommend “positive self-talk”which is just the way you talk to yourself in your head.

You can’t be knocking yourself down, you have to motivateyourself, tell yourself you can do it, that sort of thing.

The thing about the inner game of darts is it carries overoutside the game of darts.

For example athletes from other sports have an easier timeadjusting to darts because they already have the competitive mindset down, theyhave an easier time adjusting to darts.

Even non athletes, just people with better inner game, betterbehaviors will have an easier time adjusting to darts.

This explains some of the reasons why one person may bebetter than another from the start.

But even if you were not blessed with the right mindset fromthe start you can still learn.

Essential mental skills

Essential on the list of dart training tips is anger management, managing your anger during game play is one of the key skills to learn if you want to be good at darts.

During a game there are going to be lots of things that makeyou angry, especially if you aren’t playing well.

Imagine professional darts players who play for hundreds of thousands of dollars, can you imagine the frustration when you miss a point, it’s insane.

Playing your best darts requires you keep a composed demeanorso you can recall your best release time over and over.

Once you get angry it messes up your concentration and makesit harder to hit your mark.

There are tons of ways to deal with anger, oncerecommendation is focusing on your breathing, slow rhythmic breathing has acalming effect on the body.

A more complex technique would be changing the thought thatis making you angry. Often times anger is brought on by irrational thoughts andfeelings.

You may be able to reason yourself out of it. For example if you get angry every time you have to make a single out because you can’t hit the double 1, you may tell yourself the angle of the board makes it impossible.

This is an irrational thought because other people are able to do it, you have to change your response to your anger with a more realistic thought like “I just need more practice”.

Anger management is a whole drawn out topic that you can learn more about here manage your anger.

Another essential inner game skill

Emotional self-control is an essential skill for any worldclass darts player. Proper throwing requires a composed demeanor.

One crippling behavior that have thwarted many a great players, myself included, is anxiety.

You may be able to perform when you are alone by yourself butonce you get in front of a crowd, or when you are under pressure you can’t doit.

Many players experience this, they’re unable to perform attournaments because of their anxiety.

Game Pigeon Darts Tips Youtube

Expert advice on dealing with anxiety is first recognizing itfor what it is, fear, you may be saying to yourself “but I’m not afraid ofpublic speaking”, “I’ve done it plenty of times”.

Game Pigeon Darts Tips &

Anxiety is an automatic response that is brought on incertain situations. Simply telling yourself you are not anxious won’t make itgo away, you have to take some sort of action to curtail the anxiety.

Some good anxiety management techniques are relaxed breathing, personal motivation, and pleasant mental images. Those are all things that can actively diminish anxiety, an otherwise deadly deterrent to playing good darts. Learn more anxiety management techniques here “manage your anxiety”.

So there you have it

These are the dart training tips that really helped me takemy darts game to the next level and I believe they will help you too.

Remember darts is as much a mental game as it is a physical one, learning how to better control your emotions will help you better control your darts. And better control of your darts will improve your game.

How to play Cricket darts
How to play 501 darts
How to play 301 darts
How to play 801 darts
How to play Shanghai
Other great dart games
Dart stance
Grip basics
Advanced grips
Throwing basics
Throwing advanced
Throwing a steady pace
Aiming your darts
Practice guidelines
Shoot consistently
Get in the zone
Minimize nerves
Get out of a slump
Choose the right dart
Memorize your outs
Stop bounce outs
Cricket dart strategies
501 dart strategies
301 dart strategies
801 dart strategies
The history of darts
Minimize the effects of DartitisHow to hang a dartboard
Dart equipment options
How to be a dart scorekeeper
Standard Out Chart
Alternate Out Chart
Nice Darts deals
Buy dartboards
Buy dart supplies
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'How do I get rid of the dart
throwing problem called
dartitis?' - A. Humphrey

Click here for the answer.

Click here to learn about different techniques for aiming your darts.Or check out the Performance Tips section for additional information on the game of darts.

Everyone can have a good night of darts. But what separates a good player from a great player is shooting consistently match after match. Here are a few pointers to help you work on shooting great darts every time you face the dart board:

Concentrate on your approach.
One of the keys to shooting consistent darts is approaching the board the EXACT way every time. If you change your approach you change everything and you make it harder to shoot well. Be aware of where your feet are on the line. Point your elbow at your target. Cock your arm. Keep your darts pointing up and not down. And finally concentrate on your target before you start the throwing motion.

Know your options.
If you are playing an ’01 game, know your options regarding the out number, click here for an out chart. If you are shooting better at the top half of the board then create an out that takes advantage of that strength. If you are playing cricket make sure to point your opponent. If you have an advantage, exploit it. You’ll probably need those points later in the match. Always remember that you are in control of your destiny.

Muscle memory.
Has your second dart automatically followed your first dart – even if you were aiming somewhere else? That’s called muscle memory and it can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on when it happens. The best way to control muscle memory is to make your first dart count. Hit that first number and muscle memory does the rest. If you don’t hit the first number, step away from the line, shake it out, take a deep breath and approach the board with a new perspective.

Game Pigeon Darts Tips For Beginners

Practice makes perfect.
The best way to shoot consistent darts is to feel confident when you are at the line. The best way to feel confident is to pay your dues. Practice your dart game using the practice guidelines on this site. Some people think that any practice is good practice. That’s just not good advice. Make your practice sessions focused and simulate a competitive environment. You will accomplish very little by just throwing darts at a board. Focus your practice sessions and you’ll be on the path to shooting strong, consistent darts.
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